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Supplier Base Dashboard

About This Report

The Supplier Base Dashboard reports on Federal efforts to attract new entrants to the Federal marketplace and reverse the general decline in the small business supplier base.


  • OMB memo M-23-11 (February 17, 2023) established a common definition of “new entrant” and "recent entrant" for Federal acquisition. It also provided guidance on how this data can be used to evaluate progress in achieving diversity and  resilience in each agency’s supplier base
  • The Supplier Base documentation page has additional information about how metrics are calculated for the Supplier Base Dashboard, which follows the guidance outlined in OMB memo M-23-11.

Data Download

​Authenticated Federal government users can download raw data from this dashboard using the Supplier Base data download tool: https://d2d.gsa.gov/dataset/supplier-base-data-download.


The President's Management Agenda sets a goal of creating a diverse and resilient Federal marketplace. Visit performance.gov to learn more and get updates.


The Supplier Base Dashboard was created by the Office of Shared Solutions and Performance Improvement and the Office of Evidence and Analysis in the Office of Government-wide Policy, General Services Administration, in partnership with the Office of Management and Budget. Contact Neil Miller (neil.miller@gsa.gov) with any questions.


