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6 results total. Displaying item(s) 1 - 6.
The Supplier Base Dashboard reports on Federal efforts to attract new entrants to the Federal marketplace and reverse the general decline in the small business supplier base. Data Download ​Authenticated Federal government users can download raw data from this dashboard using the Supplier…
Created by GSA's Office of Government-wide Policy (OGP) to provide dynamic information on Federal and commercial aviation services. This dashboard pulls data from the published Federal Aviation Open Data set to create interactive visualizations, which allow users to slice and dice the data for…
The Acquisition 360 Initiative collects customer experience data to identify opportunities for improving the acquisition process. Users can view results from the FY15 pilot and FY16 Q1 and FY16 Q2 surveys. The user can drill into the data to understand…
In collaboration with the President’s Management Council, OMB, OPM, and GSA are working together to administer a Government-wide “Pulse Survey Pilot” to begin in October and continue through the Fall and Winter of 2021-2022. Please see this blog for more information: https://www.performance.…
Executive Summary Dashboard
The Federal workforce plays a vital role in ensuring government agencies can achieve their unique mission requirements. Therefore, agencies must hire top talent to drive mission outcomes to serve the American people. As we continue evolving our talent acquisition tools and best practices, we know…